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Do you have enough friends? For some people, that might seem like an easy question to answer. But having too few or too many friends can both be problems, which means you need to find that sweet spot in the middle where you have just enough good friends to make life enjoyable without making your life too complicated with drama and other related issues. Here are some pointers on what makes a good friend and how to spot one so that you can start finding the right number of them in your life.

Quality Friends are worth investing in

Friends are the people who will always be there for you, lend an ear when your day’s been tough, and offer a shoulder to cry on when things get too tough. These people are worth investing in, no matter what it takes. You don’t want to be surrounded by toxic people who tear you down and make you feel bad about yourself. Instead, invest your time and energy into developing real relationships with people who have your best interests at heart. The worst thing that could happen is that you’ll end up with fewer friends but more true friends instead!

Quality Friends Are Inspiring

I’m not sure why it feels like people these days are in such a rush to have hundreds of friends on social media, but the reality is that our time and energy are limited resources. In order to choose to who we give our time and energy, I think it’s important to think about what qualities those people have that make them worth having in your life. Do they inspire you? Do they remind you of your values? Do they help you grow as a person? Those are just some of the questions you can ask yourself when considering how much time and energy you want to spend with someone.

Quality Friends Know Your True Worth

It’s easy to get caught up in social media and think that everyone has a perfect life, but that’s not always the case. A lot of people have problems they don’t want to share, or they can’t share because they’re not talking to their family. Friends are there for you through thick and thin, so it’s important to make sure the people around you are genuinely good for your well-being. Quality friendships go both ways, so while we want our friends to be happy with us, we should also take care of them. When you know how great your worth is and how much someone means to you, then it’s easier to make decisions on who deserves a spot in your life

Quality Friends Support Rather Than Compete

All of us have that one friend we feel like we can tell anything to, who will always be there when we need them. When times get tough, they’re the first person on our phone list. Having a good friend like this is priceless.

But what about all the other relationships in your life? Sure, it’s nice to have hundreds of friends on Facebook or Instagram, but let’s face it- these people are not really your friends at all. They may seem like friends because of the sheer number of interactions you have with them and their ability to make you laugh when you’re down, but do they know how to offer emotional support? Do they want to see you succeed or do they want to see themselves succeed?

It’s time for an honest assessment of how many people in your life actually care about making sure things go well for YOU, and not just themselves.

Quality Friends Contribute To Your Success

  • Friends are more important than many people believe. They contribute to your success, show you what’s possible, and help you get through tough times. When it comes to having a good friend, the old adage quality over quantity couldn’t be truer. A person who will support you unconditionally, no matter what they may think of your decisions or mistakes, is worth far more than someone who will only support you when things are going well. It takes time to find these types of friends, but when you do, cherish them.
  • A high-quality friendship with one person can be just as valuable as several friendships with lower-quality people. You have the potential for amazing relationships if you invest in yourself and put time into making new connections that can grow into long-term friendships that make a difference in your life and their lives too.

Quality Friends Like And Appreciate Who You Are Without Conditions

In this day and age, it’s easy to feel like we’re a little too entitled. We want everything to be perfect and we feel like people should just know what we want. But, do you know what? That’s not how the world works. You have to show up for your friendships every single day. You have to put in the work and be willing to do whatever it takes for them because that’s what they’ll do for you if the tables were turned. Quality Friends Know What You Like And Appreciate Who You Are Without Conditions: Sometimes, the only thing that can make someone happy is knowing that someone cares about them and their happiness without any kind of strings attached. Those are the friends who know exactly what you like and appreciate who you are without conditions.

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By Bhaway

Where the wild things roam, there my stories are born. Blogger. Explorer. Forever curious.

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